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UL Approval: E214381 Version: 31/07/2024 /127/128/130General Information
VT-447 No Flow and Low Flow product is designed to meet friendly environment requirement. It has good bonding and thermal performance in applications of heat sink bonding and rigid-flex board, and have a minimal flow range with a consistent lamination.
- High Tg & High Td
- Halogen Free & Lead Free Compatible
- IPC-4101E /127 /128 /130
- Optimized flow range for camera module
Storage Condition & Shelf Life
Shelf life
Prepreg Storage Condition Temperature < 23℃ (73℉) < 5℃ (41℉) Relative Humidity < 55% / Shelf Life 3 Months 6 Months The prepreg exceeding shelf life should be retested.
Product Type Glass Type Flow Range Pressed Thickness (mil) (mm) (mil) (mm) VT-447 PP, Lead free & Environment friendly High Tg 1027 NF-25 1027 10~50 0.25~1.25 1.0 0.025 1027 NF-30 1027 10~50 0.25~1.25 1.2 0.030 1037 NF-40 1037 10~50 0.25~1.25 1.6 0.040 1067 NF-50 1067 10~50 0.25~1.25 2.0 0.050 1067 NF-60 1067 10~50 0.25~1.25 2.4 0.060 1078 NF-80 1078 10~50 0.25~1.25 3.1 0.080 1086 NF-90 1086 10~50 0.25~1.25 3.6 0.090 1086 NF-100 1086 10~50 0.25~1.25 4.0 0.100 1067 LF-56 1067 60~120 1.50~3.00 2.2 0.056 1067 LF-66 1067 60~120 1.50~3.00 2.6 0.066 1078 LF-84 1078 60~120 1.50~3.00 3.3 0.084 * Measured by micrometer “NF” ---- No Flow PP, “LF” ---- Low Flow PP 1) Press Temperature ---- 171ºC 2) 3plys per pressing 3) Press Pressure ---- 200psi Built per IPC-TM-650
Properties Sheet of Pressed No Flow Prepreg
Test Item Test Method (IPC-TM-650) Unit VT-447 Tg DSC 2.4.24 ℃ 180 Td TGA ASTM D3850 ℃ 370 Electric Strength KV/mm 54 Peel Strength with 1oz Cu 2.4.8 Lb/in 8-9 Peel Strength with CVL 2.4.8 Lb/in 7.0 Moisture Absorption D24/23 2.6.21 % 0.10 After PCT 1atm., 121℃, 1hour % 0.12 X,Y-axis CTE 30~125℃ 2.4.24 ppm/℃ 12~15 Z-axis CTE Before Tg 2.4.24 ppm/℃ 70 After Tg 300 Thermal Stress Solder dip at 288℃ Second >300 Breakdown Voltage D48/50+D0.5/23 2.5.6 KV >60 Arc Resistance D48/50+D0.5/23 2.5.1 Second 120 Dk (RC60% at 1GHz) C24/23/50 - 3.9 Df (RC60% at 1GHz) C24/23/50 - 0.015 Flammability As Received UL-94 Rating V-0 All test data provided are typical values and not intended to be specification values. Disclaimer: The information and data contained in this technical literature is based on data and knowledge correct at the time of publishing/printing and is believed to be accurate and is offered in good faith for the benefit of the user. The user should make his own tests to verify the suitability of this product for any application before its use. All data are typical values only and subject to change without notice.
Press Condition
VT-447PP Heating rate of materials 3.0-5.0ºC/min (5~10ºF/min) Cure Temperature ≥185ºC Cure Time >60min Vacuum should be continued until over 140ºC (284ºF) [Material Temperature] Pressure on materials: Start with 100psi, Full pressure: 300~450psi Cold Press: Keep Plate @ Room Temperature by water; Pressure:100psi; Dwell Time: 60minutes Contact Ventec technical service to discuss the specific condition.