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VT-462(L) Low Dk / Low Loss No & Low Flow Prepreg
UL Approval: E214381 Version: 19/07/2022 /126General Information
- High Tg
- FR 4.0
- Low Dk & Low Loss
- Excellent Thermal Reliability
- Lead Free Process Compatible
- Ease of Manufacturing
All flex-rigid applications with high BPS data rates, High speed flex-rigid connectors, High frequency & high Speed, satellite communication, navigation, GPS, etcAvailability
Type Glass Fabric Resin Content Flow Range Pressed Thickness mil mm mil/ply mm/ply 1067NF 1067 65% 5~50 0.125~1.25 2.2 0.056 1067LF 1067 68% 60~120 1.5~3.0 2.4 0.060 1078NF 1078 60% 5~50 0.125~1.25 2.8 0.071 1080LF 1080 65% 60~120 1.5~3.0 3.3 0.084 “NF” ---- No Flow PP
“LF” ---- Low Flow PP
Below picture shows Flow-in test method:→
1. Press Temperature ---- 171˚C
2. 3 plys per pressing
3. Press Pressure ---- 200psi Built on IPC-TM650, Condition
1 Temp Ramp Rate ≥ 3.0ºC/min 2 Curing Time ≥ 185ºC/~100min 3 Max. Material Temperature 200~205ºC 4 Full Pressure ≥ 28 kg (400 PSI) 5 Full Pressure Temperature ≤ 80ºC Properties Sheet IPC-4101E /126
Test Item Test Method Unit Specification Tg TMA IPC-TM-650 2.4.24 ℃ 175 Td (5% Wt. Loss) ASTM D3850 ℃ 360 Peel Strength (1oz) IPC-TM-650 2.4.8 Lb/in 6 T288 IPC-TM-650 Minute >30 Z-axis CTE Before Tg IPC-TM-650 2.4.24 ppm/℃ 50 After Tg 220 Total Expansion (50~260℃) 2.50 Dk (RC50%) @10Ghz Cavity Resonator - 3.8 Df (RC50%) @10Ghz Cavity Resonator - 0.007 All test data provided are typical values and not intended to be specification values. Disclaimer: The information and data contained in this technical literature is based on data and knowledge correct at the time of publishing/printing and is believed to be accurate and is offered in good faith for the benefit of the user. The user should make his own tests to verify the suitability of this product for any application before its use. All data are typical values only and subject to change without notice.