05 December 2023

Following last year's investment in new prepreg treating capacity at its Taiwan facility, Ventec International Group continues to focus on diversifying its manufacturing footprint and capability for its VT-901 / VT-90H high performance polyimide laminates and prepregs.
By extending its Taiwan based manufacturing capabilities for VT-901 / VT-90H, Ventec has further enhanced global supply chain resiliency for its global customer base. The new prepreg treater has enabled Ventec to ramp up capability and capacity at its Taiwan facility. As a first step, Ventec is now able to supply the full range of its VT-901 and VT-90H polyimide laminates and prepregs at high volumes, in addition to adding production capability to supply No Flow/Low Flow prepregs for rigid flex applications from this facility. Other high performance material transfers are planned for 2024.
Ventec’s wholly owned supply chain is unique among PCB materials suppliers and ensures unrivalled control over not just production quality, but also lead-time and delivery performance to its global high-tech customer base. The strategic actions that decentralize and duplicate manufacturing capability for Ventec’s full range of high-reliability and high-performance products are designed to mitigate supply chain risks for PCB manufacturers, OEMs, and EMSs across all regions by adding geographical diversity to the company’s operations. With all parts of the manufacturing and distribution supply chain covered by AS9100 accreditation, customers can confidently partner with Ventec with full trust in the company’s ability to meet and exceed the increasingly stringent industry requirements for aerospace, defense, and military applications globally.
“The increased capacity and capability at our Taiwan facility is the latest step in our global strategy to significantly increase our manufacturing footprint outside of China. The increased capacity allows Ventec to widen the product range produced in Taiwan starting with our full range of high-performance polyimide materials,” said Jason Chung, CEO of Ventec.
Mark Goodwin, COO EMEA & America added: “Decentralized manufacturing enhances Ventec’s supply chain resilience, which is crucial in the current geopolitical context as we strive to serve our customers’ needs for high performance materials globally.”