14 January 2019

Technology Ambassador Alun Morgan is a Keynote Speaker at the AltiumLive summit in Munich on the 16 January 2019 with a presentation on ‘PCB base material properties and developments: What designers need to know'.
AltiumLive is the annual PCB design summit which has quickly become one of the largest electronics conferences in the world.
Alun's presentation will focus on PCB base material properties and developments, aiming to give designers a greater understanding of the base materials used in their designs and the critical properties of base materials that impact performance.
Alun will review the development of high reliability base materials for PCBs with a focus on thermal performance, reliability and signal integrity. He will explore classification by application as a method of substrate selection which gives the designer the flexibility to select the appropriate substrate for an application without over engineering performance that is neither required nor can be afforded. The presentation includes a straightforward guide to the PCB substrate manufacturing process emphasising the impact of resin chemistry, material reinforcement and copper foil properties on substrate performance. Armed with this knowledge, PCB Designers will be able to better specify and choose appropriate materials for their needs.
Ian Mayoh (European Technical Support Manager) will also be expertly on hand throughout the event and at the Ventec booth for any technical advice required.